This piece derives from a person I drew as a memento of a concert. I called it Guintche and meanwhile it grew, acquired self-life, autonomy, it rebelled. No longer prosthesis of a thought to become a dance. Between Guintche the drawing and the concert, there is no resemblance, but a common denominator; intensity.
Guintche is a word in Creole, the Cape-Verdean spoken language. It is the name of a bird, the name of a prostitute, but it may stand as well for an attitude, the one of someone who jumps from an event to another, lacking coherence in his/her choices. Guintche is neither attached to the past nor to the future, it is a being or a condition of the present. The same goes with the present of the performer and of the drawer.
Through its counter-intuitive structure, Guintche responds as a wax sculpture: it melts, it solidifies, it brakes, changes form… Yet, it keeps the same nature that is to say, it remains the same wax.
Choreography | Interpreation | Marlene Monteiro Freitas
Music | Henri “Cookie” Lesguillier and Simon Lacouture (drums), Johannes Krieger (trumpet) from Rotcha Scribida by Amândio Cabral, Otomo Yoshihide (guitar solo excerpt), Anatol Waschke (sharpnel)
Sound | Tiago Cerqueira
Light | Yannick Fouassier
Space and Costumes | Marlene Monteiro Freitas
Production | P.OR.K – Soraia Gonçalves, Joana Costa Santos (Lisbon, PT)
Distribution | Key Performance (Stockholm, SE)
Co-production | ZDB-Negócio, Lisboa (Lisbon, PT)
Artistic Residencies | O Espaço do Tempo (Montemor-o-Novo, PT), Alkantara Festival (Lisbon, PT)
Support | Re.Al (Lisbon, PT), Forum Dança (Lisbon, PT), Bomba Suicida (Lisbon, PT)
Acknowledgements| Avelino Chantre, Pedro Lacerda, João Francisco Figueira, Anatol Waschke
Duration: 50 minutes